Its only NEW2!

SATURDAY MAY 21st 2011


NEW 2              £10


New 2 are the International No 1 Tribute band for U2  

Appearing tonight at Howden Working Mens Club.
The band is fronted by lead singer Frank Farkas who is the double of Bono .
When this band perform live on stage they re-create the magic of the real U2 like no other. In fact it has been said on countless occasions that they sound even better than the real thing(please mind the pun!). Something commented on by numerous members of the audience at their last appearance in Howden at the Shire Hall was that the band were exactly that.

This is not just a case of ‘close your eyes and they sound like U2’, as mentioned Frank Farkas is the spitting image of Bono and he provides a dynamic, powerful and mesmerising performance that will have the audience clamouring for more. With riproaring renditions of songs like Vertigo, New Years Day, Desire, Beautiful Day and many, many more a memorable night indeed is on the cards.

In line with previous tribute presentations  New 2 are appearing  tonight raising funds for the local scouts and Howden Live. Other organisations that have benifitted from similar events in the past include: Howden Infant and Junior schools, Rock Challenge, Operation Lifestyle, and the Shire Hall.                                                                 

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